Our History
50 Years of Manufacturing Excellence
As a company we care about our product and our team; our staff turnover is incredibly low and we even have examples of third generation of the same families who work in our factory.
The very first service engineer we employed became our Technical Director before retiring. Because we build machines to last, we value loyalty, longevity and experience very highly.
We have designed, developed and built sideloaders since 1969 in our factory in Cavaion, adding many buildings and updating our production process over the years. Here are a few of our incredible milestones achieved along the way…

June 2019
1st sideloader over 50 tonnes capacity
The biggest sideloader that’s ever been made
February 2019
2019: New GX Models Launched
Baumann launched a new GX Series of five to eight tonnes capacity award-winning diesel sideloaders at LogiMAT 2019
March 2018
2018: New Diesel Models Launched
New launch of HX30, HX40 and HX50 models.
First Canadian Dealer Apppointed
2018: Cervus Equipment appointed as the first ever dealer in Canada
January 2017
2017: ELX Awards Nomination
Nominated for an FLTA Award for the second year running, for the ELX Series.
March 2016
FLTA Award For Excellence
2016: First FLTA Innovation Award win for the Archimedes Outreach System
November 2015
New UK operations established
2015: New UK operations established
March 2012
2012: Winner of the Watt d’Or Award
In 2012, a truck developed to work in the Swiss Alps helped Baumann win the prestigious Watt d'Or.
January 2011
2011: Archimedes Outreach Prototype Developed
The award-winning direct drive Archimedes screw was first prototyped in 2011.
March 2008
Fabio Bernieri Appointed
2008: Fabio Bernieri joins Baumann as Sales Manager
March 2003
Dr Klaus Pirpamer Appointed MD
Dr Klaus Pirpamer appointed MD of Baumann Srl
February 1995
First sideloader over 40 tonnes capacity
1995: CS400/25/30 (40 ton) for Finnish company
February 1992
First Electric Sideloader Introduced
1992: ES 30/12/40 for German business
September 1987
First sideloader over 35 tonnes capacity
1987: CS350/25/35 for Danish business
March 1985
1st Sideloader Over 20 tonnes capacity
1985: Swedish company is the first to acquire CS250/24/30 with 25 tonnes capacity
July 1974
First 12 Tonnes Capacity Sideloader
First 12 Tonnes Capacity Sideloader sold to Austrian company
March 1972
1972: Exhibition at Hannover
Baumann exhibited at the Hannover Messe exhibition for the first time.
January 1970
1970: AS Series launched
The first series of sideloaders, the AS Range, went on sale in 1970.
June 1969
Cavaion Factory Established
1969: Wolfgang Baumann establishes the factory on the shores of Lake Garda. Before the end of the year, the first sideloader was designed, built and sold.