Durability As Standard
Our EGX Series chassis are built to exacting standards while our masts have a unique profile designed for the exacting demands of working sideways.
Toughness is just one of the secrets to our success, helping our equipment to be known worldwide for its durability and reliability. Baumann is also renowned as an innovator, especially in the important areas of safety and productivity.
Key Features
The move towards electric sideloaders has been dramatic in recent years, thanks in no small part, to the amazing performance and productivity of the EGX range. Here’s what some of our experts think makes this heavy-duty Baumann a very enticing machine.

The EGX is an amazing machine, developed over many years but utilizing the very latest battery technology. It provides high levels of performance over long shift periods and quietly goes about its business in a very cost-effective manner. The performances are comparable or even better than diesel machines.

I’ve been driving the above truck for the last 3 weeks now and to be fair it has surprised me just how good of a truck it is I would definitely recommend electric but Baumann is the way to go. They’re the strongest, best built side loader I’ve driven to date, and I’ve been doing this for 23 years now.

Ideally suited to multi-shift operations. Unique 120v technology. Simple battery changeover. The future of sideloaders.